Rooster Teeth's original animated show, RWBY, has gained international popularity over the years and has since become a vital component to the Rooster Teeth brand. This specific collection was created as our 2022 Fall Apparel Collection for the brand. I served as Lead Designer for this project, in which I conducted trend/market research and brand studies in order to create a cohesive offering that ties back to the IP through graphic treatment and color story. The goal was to lean harder into aesthetics vs graphic treatments in order to communicate a more sophisticated tone and wearable collection.
Design elements that tie this capsule to the RWBY universe lie in the use of the core main characters' color tones, iconography, and specific use of a landscape painting used in the show itself.
Design elements that tie this capsule to the RWBY universe lie in the use of the core main characters' color tones, iconography, and specific use of a landscape painting used in the show itself.
Art Direction, Apparel Design, Technical Design, Logo Design, Product Development